
Saturday, September 29, 2018


At THE TINKER YARD, children are allowed to have all the space and time they need to work on their ideas.

Learning goals are current and focused on helping children gain understanding and mastery through experiential play.

Children play and learn in a calm yet inspiring mixed-age play space that allows them to be free to express their thoughts, exercise their imagination and encourages them to learn to listen to different ideas in a respectful and mindful way.

Age Groupings
18 months old to 23 months old
2 years old to 4 years old
4 years old to 6 years old

In planning the curriculum, we draw inspiration from observations made of children's play. Curriculum at The Tinker Yard is informed by principles of RIE, Playwork and the Reggio Emilia approach and framed by big ideas that children have. 

We hold a strong view of children being competent, curious, full of knowledge, potential, and interested in connecting to the world around them.

Children are respected as capable and competent learners.  They are empowered to take ownership of their learning whilst getting adequate support from the teachers.

At The Tinker Yard, mistakes are accepted. We believe that children learn from failures as much as from successes.

Children are given opportunity to make decisions, try things out, test their hypothesis and more importantly feel secure to take risks. We learn by doing and mistakes are inevitable.

This is where children feel safe, cultivate strong, secure and trusting relationships, develop life skills and know that their thoughts & ideas are important and valuable. Children learn to work together to achieve common goals as a team. They become self-motivated to seek solutions and collaborate with others.

· We do not follow a fixed daily schedule. The schedule is adjusted to meet children's needs.

· We do not make children sit for long periods of time against their will.

· We do not compel children to work on tasks that they have lost interest in.

· We do not use a top-down approach in our interactions with children.

·  We do not do time-outs or punishments.

· We do not use the thematic approach that is overly structured and teacher-directed and allows little or no room for children's voices to be heard.

· We do not believe in hot-housing children.

· We do not view children as needing to be fixed.

At times, the class is taken outside to a nature park where children could have messy sensory and art play. Learning journeys to interesting places around Singapore are also organized periodically.

Children who stay with us for their formative years will be equipped with skills, values and knowledge that would carry them through challenges.

They will have all that they need to be successful in what they do AND more importantly, have a happy childhood.

We take great effort to create a culture of trust, care, empathy, support and collaboration in our class community (children, families and teachers). This is achieved through our practice of respectful and mindful teaching.

To book a spot, please connect with us through email, WhatsApp or SMS.


WhatsApp/SMS: 84610186


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